Pug Information

How to Clean Your Pugs Ears, Nose and Wrinkles

Does your pug stink but you just can’t figure out where or why? Sniff inside is ears or inside those cute little wrinkles and you might just find the culprit!

If you have a pug, you know that their unique features are part of what makes them so special. But those same features can also make them more susceptible to infections and other problems. That’s why it’s important to regularly clean your pug’s ears, nose and wrinkles.

First things first… 

Is your pugs ears, nose or skin dirty – or is there an infection?

If your pug is freshly cleaned and bathed, with a nice cleaning to his ears and nose… but then he/she starts stinking in a few days – there’s a chance there may be an infection.

Benji had that exact same issue, and I didn’t understand why… until I smelled inside one of ears 🤮

It could be a variety of things, Benji suffered from a lot of common pug health issues including allergies.

Here’s what worked for me:

Follow the instructions on the bottle, you’ll have your pug lay on his/her side and slowly add the solution to his/her ear… let it sit for a little then wipe it clean and dry.

I started with daily applications, and then you can switch to weekly for general maintenance. Doing it yourself will save you some money as regular visits to the vet can be a little pricey, it’s relatively simple and will keep the costs of owning a pug down.

If the problem extends beyond the inside of his ears, I would add an anti-fungal/bacterial spray of your choice as well.

I’ve used many brands… I think Benji liked Burts & Bees brand the most… and it smelled the least chemically.

Pssst… have you checked our list of pug gifts and the best pug t-shirts

How to Clean a Pug’s Ears

Pug ear cleaning is important because their ears are folded over, which can trap dirt, wax and moisture.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

Ear cleaning solution: You can purchase an ear cleaning solution at your local pet store, or you can make your own by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar.

Nose: Use a cotton ball or soft cloth to wipe away any discharge from your pug’s nose. Be gentle, as the skin around the nose

To clean your pug’s ears, use a cotton ball dampened with warm water and gently wipe the inside of the ear. You can also use a cotton swab to get rid of any wax build-up

Pugs have unique ear shapes and sizes, so it’s important to be gentle when cleaning them. The most important thing to remember when cleaning your pug’s ears is to never insert anything further than the first knuckle of your finger into their ear canal. Doing this could cause serious damage to their delicate eardrums.

To clean your pug’s ears, start by wetting a cotton ball or soft cloth with warm water. Gently wipe the inside of their earflaps, taking care not to go too deep into their ear canal. You can also use a dog-specific ear cleaner if your pug has especially dirty ears.

The Right Way to Clean your Pug’s Nose

Pugs are absolutely adorable, but their features can also be a breeding ground for bacteria. That’s why it’s important to clean your pug’s ears, nose and wrinkles on a regular basis.

First, you’ll need to gather some supplies. You’ll need a soft cloth, cotton balls, a mild dog shampoo, and warm water.

To clean your pug’s nose, you can use a damp cloth or dog-safe wipes. Gently wipe the surface of your pug’s nose to remove any dirt or debris.

Pug Wrinkle Cleaning
Pugs are known for their unique features, including their wrinkled skin and flat faces. While these characteristics may be part of what makes them so lovable, it also means they require special care when it comes to grooming. Here are some tips on how to clean your pug’s ears, nose and wrinkles:

Ears: Pugs’ ears are prone to dirt and wax buildup, so it’s important to clean them on a regular basis. The best way to do this is to use a cotton ball or Q-tip dampened with warm water. Gently wipe the inside of the ear, being careful not to insert the cotton ball or Q-tip too far into the ear canal.

Nose: Pugs

The Right Way to Clean your Pug’s Wrinkles
Cleaning your pug’s wrinkles is important to their health, but it’s not as simple as just wiping them down. Here’s how to clean your pug’s wrinkles the right way:

Start by wetting a clean washcloth with warm water and gently wiping away any dirt or debris from the wrinkles. Be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies! Once the area is clean, dry it off with a second clean washcloth.

Next, apply a small amount of dog-safe wipes or cleanser to the washcloth and gently wipe down the wrinkles again. This will help remove any bacteria or build-up that may be present. Be sure to rinse off any cleanser completely before proceeding

Pugs require special care when it comes to cleaning their ears, nose and wrinkles. This guide will show you the best way to clean each of these areas.
Pugs require special care when it comes to cleaning their ears, nose and wrinkles. To clean your pug’s ears, use a cotton ball soaked in warm water. Gently clean the inside of the ear, being careful not to insert the cotton ball too far into the ear canal. To clean your pug’s nose, use a damp cloth to wipe away any dirt or debris. Be careful not to rub the nose too hard, as this can irritate the skin. To clean your pug’s wrinkles, use a cotton ball soaked in warm water. Gently wipe the wrinkles, being careful not to insert the cotton ball too far into the crease.


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