Pug Information

Pugs & Kids – Everything You NEED to Know

pug-and-catpug-and-catIf you’re reading this chances are you’re contemplating the idea of getting a pug, and of course for that my resounding answer is 100% absolutely you should!

However, there’s certainly a ton of things you need to know – especially if you’re a new dog owner. And of course there’s many things you need to know about the pug breed specifically.

If you’ve gotten this far, I’m assuming you’ve covered some of our basics, yeah?:

Once you’re caught up, here’s what we’ll cover in this post:

  • If pugs are good with kids, we’ll cover all ages from, babies, toddlers on up to older kids.
  • Are pugs aggressive? Do they bite?
  • Can pugs be protective?
  • Are they hypo-allegenic?
  • And much more… let’s start with the most popular topic with regards to pugs and kids…

Are Pugs Good With Kids?

It really comes down to how your pug is trained. I’d like to say that there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. 

Growing up we had pit bull who was as sweet as can be… never in her life has she bit anyone, and her only signs of aggression were to protect her family. But of course pit bulls they’ve garnered a somewhat negative reputation in the media.

Regardless, pugs are well known to be perfect family pet. They are low-maintenance, cheerful, and affectionate. They are also easy to train, and love to cuddle (and eat!) with children.

As a breed, most are fairly mellow, but my pug Benji was fairly energetic so don’t let the internet fool you 😅. They do not chase after cats or other pets in the home. With all these attributes, it’s no wonder the Pug is gaining popularity as a family pet.

But how do kids and pugs get along? Are they a good match? What precautions should you take? Keep reading for all the answers!

The Perfect Match?

As mentioned above, there are many reasons the Pug is a perfect match for families. They are low maintenance and when left unattended for long periods of time, they will usually just lie around sleeping (if food or water is available). They don’t require large amounts of exercise either. A decent walk once or twice a day should suffice. But be careful in the heat, your pug may want to call it quits a little early. It’s best to walk your pug in cooler temperatures if you can.

Can Pugs Be Aggressive?

You can find some YouTube videos on aggressive pugs, but honestly, they’re few and far between. I’m a professional photographer, and I’ve actually shot a few pug events – with hundreds of pugs. Pugs are generally the most docile of animals, I haven’t personally seen any aggressive pugs (but of course, that does not mean that they don’t exist and they can be unintentionally trained that way).

Despite their small size, Pug spunk can make them seem intimidating. They will stand their ground and bark at other animals and even humans. This can be alarming when you first see it, but it is simply the Pug’s defense mechanism. They do not want to be threatened or intimidated themselves, so they bark to warn off others. Once the threat has passed, the Pug quickly becomes his merry self again. A good way to stop this from happening is to socialize your pug when he’s a puppy. Desensitize him to other dogs, etc.

If you met a lot of dogs in your life, you probably know that every dog has its own unique personality and traits. Some are docile and submissive, while others are dominant and aggressive. When picking a dog, it’s important to know how comfortable you are with these traits and whether they fit with your living situation. With basic training, you shouldn’t have any issues with aggression with your pug.

Are Pugs Good With Babies?

Yes, they are! In fact, the relationship between a baby and a Pug is a truly beautiful thing to see.

Pugs are gentle and love to cuddle. They don’t constitute a large threat to the baby and the cuddles are reciprocated eagerly by the Pug. Of course, you need to be careful of any bumps or bites that may occur but overall, they make wonderful companions.

Are Pugs Good With Other Dogs, Cats and/or Other Animals?

I mean the better question might be will your current pet be good with a pug… because pugs are the ultimate companion for humans and pets alike. 

I adopted a terrier well into Benji’s life and while he loved her – she just tolerated him 😂

Are Pugs Hypoallergenic?

Pugs are not hypoallergenic, and produce a fair amount of dander. Something to consider if you have a baby or children who are particularly sensitive.

Also note, pugs are prone to having allergy issues.

Does the Pug Shed?

The Pug’s short, curly fur is one of the reasons they are such popular family pets. They don’t shed an extreme amount but do lose more than some other dog breeds. You may find that, on occasion, strong winds blow his fur into your home. But with regular grooming, moderate shedding is the norm for the Pug.

If you’re getting a fawn pug, just note that his/her hair will be a magnet to your black/dark clothing 😅

Are Pugs Protective?

Yes! Pugs can be extremely protective of his family and home. This is partly due to his alert nature and his small size which makes him a victim of bullies easily. If you’re walking a Pug and another dog starts causing trouble, the Pug will do everything in his power to protect you.

Or so I was told. I don’t think Benji would do anything to save me… unless it’s to lick the criminal to death 😂

Are Pugs Good With Toddlers?

Yes! The Pug is friendly with most people and especially loves children. They’re happy to happily greet the little ones and enjoy cuddling and playtime. However, it is important to keep an eye on any bumps or bites that may occur as the Pug may playfully bite. If the child is too rough or doesn’t know how to properly interact with a dog, the Pug may not be the best choice. But if you pay attention and keep the dog in a calm situation, you should have no issues.

How Long Does the Pug Live?

The average life span of a Pug is between 12 and 15 years, which is middle of the road for dog breeds. With proper care, nutrition and regular vet visits, your Pug can reach this full length of life. Keeping your Pug active is key to increasing their lifespan as they are a strong little dog. Of course, regular vet visits are essential to catching any health issues early.

Are Pugs Good with Older Children?

Yes and no. The Pug is generally friendly towards children, but there are a few factors to keep in mind. The size and temperament of the Pug may not be suited for older children. Children should always treat dogs with respect and care. But if your children are often rough or don’t know how to properly interact with a dog, a Pug may not be the right pet for your family. On the other hand, if your children are gentle and know how to calmly play with a dog, the Pug will enjoy the company.

Ultimate Guide to Owning a Pug

The Pug is a charming dog who enjoys the company of its owner and family. They are small in size but strong and sturdy. To keep your Pug happy, you must provide adequate exercise. A daily walk around the block or a session of doggy playtime is essential for your Pug’s health and wellbeing. Although the Pug is not a high-energy dog, they do enjoy longer walks and will

Why A Pug Might Not Be Right For Your Family

Although the Pug is a dog that will fit in most families, they do have a number of health issues that you should be aware of before making the purchase. The Pug is prone to obesity, hypothyroidism, fleas and canine hip dysphasia. All of these problems can be managed with attention and care but it is important that you understand them before taking on a new Pug companion.

What to Ensure Your Pug Will Be Good Around Kids? Do These 3 Things…

Teaching your Child to Be Good Around Pugs

Children, whether young or old, should be educated on how to behave around pets. Dogs, especially the Pug, are sensitive and should be treated with kindness and respect. Young children should be guided on how to approach a dog and should learn basic dog safety rules. Dogs, especially the Pug, may enjoy playing with children but it is important that children do not harass or scare them. Teaching children to greet the dog politely and pet it calmly is invaluable lessons for life that will benefit both the child and the dog in later years.

Pugs are affectionate dogs who enjoy the company of people. They are particularly good around children and will happy sit beside them on the floor and enjoy a game or two. As long as the dog is properly introduced to the children (approximately 6 months or older), there should be minimal to no issues. Direct and frequent contact with each other is very important during these early stages. As the dogs become friends, you will see increased benefits for both child and dog. If you would like keep your Pug away from children, make sure you do these 3 things to help ensure a safe experience for everyone involved!


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