A pug owner’s thoughts on the best food for pugs with allergies
Pug Allergies

Benji being all said because of his allergies

There are a lot of generic articles out there related to the best dog food for pugs with allergies… 

…But there’s a difference between hiring a writer to research a topic, and being a lifelong pug owner who’s fought that battle. 

I’m in the camp of the latter, and I’m here to help you all out! 

Everyone knows someone who suffers from allergies; some people can’t stop sneezing, others have red itchy eyes, and some people can go straight into anaphylactic shock if they eat a peanut. Unfortunately, dogs are no strangers to allergies and they can also suffer from a variety of symptoms. If left unaddressed, allergies can significantly reduce a pugs wellbeing.

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My Favorite Dog Treats For My Pug [2024]

Get In Touch With Your Inner Pug

Treating Your Pug Right; Best Treats For Your Pug

Pugs are lovingly, snortingly and adorably our best friends. bred specifically to be companions for humans, it is no wonder they make wonderful household canines.  They are more than happy to give us a good laugh and a good cuddle, so why shouldn’t we give them great treats? We’ve already covered what’s the best dog food for pugs, now it’s time to shine some light on some of the best dog treats for your furry little companion.

Treats for Your Pug – Summary of Do’s and Don’ts

If you’re browsing pug breeders or rescues and are thinking about getting a pug puppy, are are new to dogs in general, there are many do’s and don’ts to consider.

  • Know what you can feed your pug – Table scraps are obviously going to be the most popular “dog treat” they’ll snack on over the course of their life. Thus the #1 most important thing you should know is what foods a dog should never eat.
  • Don’t over do it – It’s well known pugs are very food motivated, thus susceptible to being overweight, which can lead to a lot of health problems for pugs, thus shortening their lifespan.
  • Be aware of allergens – Note which foods cause allergic reactions to your pug, it could be as subtle as itchiness or sneezing. With my last pug, Benji, I found that animals with feathers (chicken, turkey) had more of a negative reaction for him then say salmon.

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How to Effectively Train a Pug in 2023
Benji the Pug

Benji AKA The Notorious PUG as a puppy

Keep Calm and Pug On! How to Effectively Train Your Pug

Many Pug owners would say that their dogs are the light of their lives – perky, loveable and clownish, these toy breed dogs are amazing canine companions. After you’ve fallen in love with their big brown eyes, funny faces and stubby bodies, however, you might find that a Pug’s personality isn’t quite what you expected – they’re independent, naughty, get into everything that’s edible, and darn it – they just peed on the floor again! Although some people tend to pigeonhole Pugs into the ‘dumb puppy’ category, they actually aren’t that stupid. Most Pugs, in fact, are quite intelligent, tough, and stubborn enough to hold out on you in order to get their own way. Like any other dog, they can become positive terrors without clear boundaries and consistent training, so let’s take a look at how you can effectively help your Pug to become a (mostly) model citizen. (Hey, no dog is perfect!)

Update 2023: RIP Benji (above). It’s been 3 years since his passing and I just missed having a pug… I would like to introduce everyone to Lats the Pug! And take a look at how her training is going just at just 9 weeks old: 

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What’s the best dog food for pugs?

Best dog food for pug

When it comes to feeding your beloved pug there is no one size fits all solution. Every dog is different. Age, supplements, activity, illness, and veterinary recommendations are all factors that influence what the “best” dog food (or foods) will be. Be sure to keep in mind the fact that every pug is different. Some may need to have their food portioned (according to weight, activity, and size) and supplemented, while others may be content on a free feed diet. Some may like to have their food alternated monthly, while others may eat the same brand of food from weaning to death.

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15 Things Every Pug Owner Should Buy
Items You Should Buy for Your Pug

Creative Commons Photo by Jessie Draper

New pug owners are often baffled by the never-ending sea of dog related products available for purchase. This is to be expected in a market offering everything from dog strollers to dog boots. In spite of the overwhelming market there are surprisingly few necessities new dog owners must purchase, some of which are under marketed. Remember it is best to purchase the following items before you bring your new dog home. Without further ado, here are 15 things (in no particular order) that every pug owner should have:

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