Let’s start with the gold standard, the American Kennel Club (AKC) Breed Standard, which states that a pugs weight between “14-18 pounds is desirable.”
But on average, most pugs you see are going to be 20 pounds plus… Benji weighed in at 21 pounds and at the many pug meetups that I’ve been to, and he was actually among the smallest.
If you’re looking to get a pup puppy (preferably from a reputable breeder), an important sizing consideration is whether or not you’ll be able to fly commercially with your pug. At 21 lbs, Benji never had an issue flying but at his size but any bigger and there could have been potential issues. While you’ll never know the exact size they’ll grow up to be, since I am getting a new pug puppy, getting one where the parents were both under 20 pounds was a pretty important consideration for me.

Benji small enough for an airlines crate
How Big Do Pugs Get? Most Popular Facts:
- The AKC Breed Standard is 14-18 pounds, with females being on the smaller end.
- Like their human counterparts, size is generally genetic. If both the mom and dad have a larger frame and sit around 25lbs, chances are the offspring will be on the larger end. On the contrary, if both mom and dad have a smaller frame around 15lbs, chances are the offspring will be right around the AKC breed standard.
- The average pug is a short, at just under 14 inches.
- They tend be about the same size as their flat faced cousins, Frenchies and Boston Terriers. Frenchies are a little denser with more muscle mass, and Boston’s tend to be a tad taller and longer.
Pug Height – How Tall Do Pugs Get?
The average pug gets between 12 and 15 inches high at the Shoulder. At the Withers, they’re a little short of the standard at just under 14 inches.
Luckily, the number of overweight Pugs is declining. In the past, it was common for Pugs to exceed the breed standard for size and weight. Now, it’s not as common for them to do so. Those that are overweight typically won’t measure up to the standards set by the AKC.
Average Pug Sizes Compared to French Bulldogs and Boston Terriers
- Pugs: 14-18 pounds
- Frenchies: “Not to exceed 28lbs”, males are typically 20-28lbs, and females 16-24lbs.
- Boston Terriers: 12-25lbs
Pugs differ from other dog breeds in a number of ways. They are rotund in shape, have large eyes, and are covered with short, soft hair. The hair on their faces and on their tails is also distinctive. Pugs born with commercial Kennel Club registered identification numbers on their bodies can be traced easily to their owners.”
Most pugs you see in the United States will have been bred by independent breeders. Although you can find “regular” pugs at pet stores, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a healthy one. Most of them are too fat and their hair is too long.
How Big Should a Pug Be at 6 Months Old?
A pug at six months old should weigh about 8-12 pounds and should be about 8-11 inches (20.3-27.9 cm) tall. An adult pug should weigh anywhere from 14-18 pounds and should be about 10-14 inches (25.4-35.6 cm) tall. Pugs get as big as they’re going to get when they reach adulthood, so there’s no need to worry about them getting too big.
How Big Should a Pug Be at 12 Months Old?
A pug at 12 months should be about full grown, though he may add a few pounds and fill out over the next few years.
A pug is a small, stocky dog breed with a wrinkled face and a curly tail. Pugs are considered to be one of the most popular breeds in the world. There are several different sizes of pugs, depending on the breeder’s preference.
The standard size pug is typically around 10-14 inches tall and weighs 14-18 pounds.
Pugs come in a variety of colors, including black, fawn and apricot.
What size pug is right for me?
Again, the parents of the pug are the biggest predictor of the size a pug puppy will grow up to be.
The AKC standard pugs will typically weighing in around 14-18 pounds. Most pugs you’ll see will likely be in the 20-25lb range. It’s rare that I see pugs under the 14lb marker, but I have seen a couple in that 12-14 lb range.
And of course, the food and treats you feed it will play a role in the overall size of your pug as well.
Which size pug is right for me? That depends on your lifestyle and personality. If you have a lot of energy and like to be active, a standard pug may be a good fit for you. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance dog that doesn’t require a lot of exercise, a toy or miniature pug may be better suited for you.
If you’re prepared to give your pug some personal attention, a standard pug may be the right fit for you. With this type of dog, you’ll be able to develop a strong bond with your dog.
Because they are such powerful dogs, it’s important to do your research before buying a standard pug. Find out what type of owner you will be having to answer to. Check the reputation of the breed before you buy.
Pugs love to eat, and they have very few calories so you need to make sure they eat frequently. They will eat just about anything, so you should always have plenty of food available.
While most pugs enjoy some chew time, others may like to eat alone. If your dog eats alone, it may mean that it is bored with the food or that something is wrong. You should never leave your dog alone with its food as it can become a safety issue.
If you go for a walk and your dog happens to be chewing on something dangerous, like a stick, say “no” right away and take care of the situation. Because most pugs are not seed eaters, you will have to do their chewing for them.
The best thing you can do is monitor your dog’s eating and body weight closely. These dogs need their calories and meat protein. If you don’t feed them properly, they will lose weight and become unhealthy.
Feeding your pug
Try not to take your dog for granted. Because most pugs are friendly and loving dogs, they will try to please you by doing things they aren’t necessarily interested in.
Most pugs learn to share by taking some of their favorite food and giving it to you when you ask them to. This is called “parting with a gift” and it is another example of the dog trying to relate to you.
Good puppy foods
Because all dogs are different, you may need to change your dog’s food several times during the first year of life. rapid growth causes puppies to put on too much weight too quickly.
Protein and fat fillings are filling and help keep your dog’s size in check. Make sure amount is based on the size of your dog. For example, if you have a small dog, make sure it gets plenty of meaty bones and stocks of rawhide or salmon.
Price points for food are also important to consider. It is more economical to feed a pug than it is to keep it professionally groomed. Because most dogs will not take food from other dogs, you will also need to be the responsible one who eats any leftovers.